So my adventure to Ghana started at the Bangkok airport. I got to the airport and was told my flight was delayed by 13 hours and I would be put in a hotel for the night. This was not OK with me as I need to be in Accra by Nov 30 and to begin my volunteer program. With the changes they were trying to make to my flights I would not be there until late on December 1 and would not only have to stay in a hotel in Bangkok but also a hotel in Nairobi the next night. You would all be proud of me because I seriously stood my ground and was eventually put on another airline. This was great other than the fact that this was done at the very last minute and I had to run to the plane (and the Bangkok airport is not small). I was the last person on the flight and arrived completely out of breath. So I flew on Ethiopian Airways. I flew through Addis Ababa, until the exact moment I was put on this flight I had never even heard of this city. It is the capital of Ethiopia. I will admit my African geography is not very good. So I have now been on Ethiopian soil, another country to add to my list. I flew straight to Accra from here. A highlight was that my luggage was actually there. To make it even better I flew in at another time and obviously another airline than I gave the volunteer organization. Luckily enough this only caused a few issues. This experience is not one I would like to relive but it was one I am quite proud of.
A new airline to add to my list |
A new country to add to my adventure even though I did not get a passport stamp. |
Yeah finally here!!!! |
My initial half day in Ghana was an orientation, so I was so excited to head out to my placement. As you may have guessed this was not an easy or fast process. What should have taken 2.5 hours, took about 6. I went by tro-tro from Accra to Swedru with a staff member from the volunteer organization. Side note a tro-tro is like a mini bus, but they can be kind of sketchy. There is not a clear system so you generally just have to hope you are going to get where you want to go. Throughout the trip he kept asking me if I was OK, he was impressed how calm I was in all of the chaos. While on the trip we had two large bags of food (one of which broke all over the ground in the middle of the road) and 4 dozen eggs and all of my stuff. I was in charge of the eggs, surprisingly enough they all made it their in one piece. During the trip the tro-tro broke down and by the end of the end of the trip I had been in 3 different tro-tro's and 2 taxis. As my travels unfolded in Africa I adopted the line TIA from a friend and this is definitely a case of TIA. TIA means" this is Africa". You really have to be here to understand.
Tro-tro |
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