Thursday, April 12, 2012

I can't believe it is over, so thankful for every moment of my Adventure!

April 11 2012
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover" - Mark Twain

This could not be more true. I have EXPLORED the unknown, lived a DREAM, and DISCOVERED how to be truly happy. I feel so thankful to have had the opportunity to be challenged and pushed out of my comfort zone over the past 6 months.   I now know that nervousness, uncertainty and excitement all create avenues for growth . I have been able to stretch and push myself pass my personal boundaries and this has allowed me so much joy and amazement.

Today my trips comes full circle. I wrote my first post while I was flying on my first leg of my journey and now I am writing this on on my last. I will not say my last post since I know I have so much more traveling in my future.  I can't believe how fast the last 6 months have gone by. The thought of going home is both exciting and scary. I have enjoyed every moment of this trip and will cherish every memory and friendship made. I can now say that every bit of stress and anxiety I felt before I left was completely worth it. I just hope life is not quite as stressful when I come home. However if it is I know I can handle it. I can not say that every single moment was perfect and amazing on my journey, but I can say that I don't regret a single moment of it. Even the rough times are something I am thankful for whether it was because it is now a funny story to tell or the growth that came out a meeting a challenge.

Before I left I was terrified to be on my own. In retrospect I am so thankful for the opportunity to be one my own. I could not be happier that I did this trip on my own. I proved something to myself about my ability to handle even the craziest things on my own.  I would not say that it was easy but I would recommend it to others. I had many opportunities as a result of being on my own and I am so thankful for this. I know that I was independent before I left but I think that I have become more independent. I hope this is not a bad thing. Don't worry I am just as social as ever I just now feel very comfortable doing things on my own.

I have been asked many times already what my favorite place was. This is an impossible questions to answer. Each place had it's distinct experiences that make it unique and meaningful to me.  However I do have a few distinct experiences that were amazing and I will never forget.  These are all moments I do not want to forget so I will write them down, so here it goes:

·      Teaching  "If You're Happy and You Know it " and "10 little Monkey Jumping on the Bed"  to the kids at Joy Day Care

·         Weekend in Sihanoukville

·         Angkor Wat with Dawn and Justin

·         Riding Elephants at the Elephant Village

·         Everything Luang Prabang

·         A day at the beach with the Children from Achaise Children's Home

·          Christmas Day at Achaise Children's Home

·         When every child at Achaise Children's Home was HIV negative

·         Dune Bashing

·         Spending time with Julia and Molly

·         Trip to Cornwall

·         Day in Tuscany

·         Hiking at the Cliff's of Moher and the Giant's Causeway

·         Spending time with Zach and Leo

I have a million other amazing moments so if you want to know more just ask
I know people said before I left that I would change while I was on this trip. I am not sure I can define any distinct changes but I do know that I have some new perspectives on life. I guess only time will show how this experience has impacted me. Either way I am thankful for the opportunity. I hope this experience will continue to impact both my decision making and insight. I know this trip has been influential but I would love to know what the future has in store for me. I hoped this trip would give me more clarity about my life. I am not sure that I have my life figured out but I now know how important it is to follow my heart and focus on making myself happy.

Through this experience I have had the opportunity to meet the most amazing people. I feel so blessed to have met so many new and amazing people who will continue to be part of my life.  I am also thankful for the opportunity I had to spend time with many of my friends that live abroad. I know spending as much time with them as I did was a luxury and something that will likely not be possible again. Thank you to every who opened their home to me. This includes both new and old friends. Spending time in people's homes throughout my travels has made this experience all that more meaningful. 
Looking back I feel like the most meaningful time during my trip was my time volunteering. I am so thankful for every moment I spent volunteering, even the really frustrating days. Spending time with so many amazing children will be something I never forget.  I would highly recommend everyone, experience living in a developing country and spend some time volunteering. I got so much more out of these experiences than I gave. I already have my next  trip volunteering planned. I hope I can make it happen! It is funny I thought that this trip would get the travel bug out of me and I would be ready to start a long term career plan, but the opposite has happened. Don't worry I am not going to travel forever, but I can't wait to go on another trip (it just might have to be a bit shorter than this one). This is especially true since I can't wait to do another volunteer placement in a developing country. I love the way my volunteer positions pushed me out of my comfort zone, I am so thankful for this.  Anyone want to go to Kenya and Tanzania with me in the next 2 or 3 years.  If that does not interested you I have a list a mile long of countries I now want to visit. I know I will always be up for a new adventure! This adventure has shown me taking risks is totally worth it.

"You only live once but if you do it right once is enough"  - Mae West

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